Photo credit: Reuters

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Voting on Kill List Tuesday

Dear Mr. President,
I’ve read articles and watched video clips of your supporters being interviewed who were led to believe that Romney wants the power to incarcerate indefinitely anyone anywhere, that he supports the execution of American citizens without a trial, and that he will personally choose the names of people he wants assassinated each week; no trial, no habeas corpus, no oversight. “That’s unconstitutional!” they say, “No way would I ever vote for someone like that.” Or “That’s against everything America stands for!” Smug and self-righteous they are until told that you’re already doing all that; then their jaws drop, there’s a look of disbelief and they’re speechless. My brother still thinks I’m making this stuff up. “You’ve got a vivid imagination,” he says. He won’t read anything negative about you and yet, rants that all politicians are liars and corrupt; a strangely compartmentalized set of values. Maybe as a WW II veteran he can’t vote for a war criminal and so, refuses to see the crimes you commit because if he did, he’d have to admit his own complicity and that’s repugnant for he fought against those who committed war crimes back then. Or maybe he just can’t afford to see how we’ve become not much different than the enemy he fought 70 years ago. He cannot afford to see that freedom, justice and democracy are empty words to politicians, sops for the masses, and that Republican or Democrat, the only real winners are the elites, the rich, the powerful, the war profiteers, the Wall Street criminals, and the rest of us are on our own. He can’t admit that the system is rigged; it would invalidate everything he’s believed about America: fair play and opportunity and why he went to war so long ago. Down to the final few days now and one after another Liberal, Progressive, radical, anti-establishment icon capitulates and urges us to stop Romney and vote for you, the lesser evil. But that’s still evil and, as a friend says, “You have to stand up for what’s right” and in this election what’s right is not Obama and not Romney, but Jill Stein and the Green party. Here in California over the last 4 years, both Republicans and Democrats have each lost about 1% of the total registered voters while Independents have gained 1%. People are beginning to wise up to the fact that Republicans and Democrats are all the same and that without a strong 3rd party movement, nothing will ever change and people like you will continue to get away with murder. Literally.

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