Photo credit: Reuters
Thursday, September 13, 2012
How's the War Economy Working For Ya?
Dear Mr. President,
Why is it we can’t get a stimulus package here at home but have no trouble when it comes to Iraq or Afghanistan? Why is it we can fly bales of Ben Franklins in military transports to Iraq, give it away like candy with no record-keeping and no questions asked, but when it comes to bailing out bankrupt American cities or underwater American homeowners, sorry, Charlie. Why is it the generals can order 400 brand-new top quality and expensive uniforms for their chauffeurs while food programs and health care for kids is whacked for lack of funds? (Or maybe that’s why, to pay for the chauffeur’s new uniforms.) The latest census bureau report shows the richest 5% of Americans got 5% more of our wealth last year while what’s left of the middle class went backward. It also shows there are more than 46 million Americans living in poverty. A recent UN report, “Report of the Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation on Human Rights” states that on any given night, there are 800,000 Americans homeless, 20% more than last year and increasingly, homelessness in the United States is being criminalized. In some places it is now a sexual offense to defecate or urinate on the street but, really, Mr. President, when you gotta’ go, you gotta go—even presidents—and no law’s going to change that. These 800,000 homeless Americans have no access to clean water, sanitation, safe shelter and certainly not adequate food or health care. Why is it, Mr. President, that the 40 heirs to the Wal-Mart fortune have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans combined? That’s not just gross inequity, that’s criminal. The Wal-Marts and the Romneys and the Gates and all the other 1% got the tax breaks and the rest of us got the shaft. Maldistribution of wealth, an unfair tax system and a mean-spiritedness and lack of compassion for our fellow man has undermined the very core of America and American values. But $68,000 for a Hellfire missile to kill a suspected insurgent? No problem. Apache helicopters at $18 million each? Sure, we’ll take 100. Humvees that cost anywhere from $160,000 to $300,000 apiece? Not worth bringing home; we’ll just leave them in Afghanistan. One of my favorite bumper stickers is, “How’s the war economy working for ya?” I’d say not so good. The wars Bush started and you continue, your drone wars and kill lists and targeted assassination take a terrible toll not only on our perceived enemies but right here at home.
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