Dear Senator
Received your email response to my
letter regarding social safety net programs. Part of your letter is true—defense
spending has risen 74% over the past 10 years and entitlements (mainly Social
Security, Medicare and Medicaid) by 32% while federal revenue from taxes has
dropped 18% (thanks to the Bush/Obama tax cuts), our federal debt is $1.6
trillion (as opposed to a surplus before the disastrous wars in Afghanistan and
Iraq) and our current fiscal path
is unsustainable. The facts are true but the fallacy, the Big Lie that all you Republicrat
deficit hawks keep repeating is that entitlements are the major problem. No
matter how many times it’s repeated, they’re not. Social Security and Medicare
are both self-sustaining programs funded by separate clearly identified payroll
taxes and kept in trust funds separate from general revenue. They are not part
of the budget nor are they part of the deficit. Without doing a thing to either
program, Social Security would remain solvent until 2033 and Medicare until
2024. This is NOT a crisis and to repeat the Republican mantra that these
programs must be “reformed” i.e., cut back or better yet, eliminated, is to be
complicit in the Big Lie. Minor adjustments would make these programs solvent
indefinitely. “Spending for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
currently account for 42% of federal outlays, and these three programs alone
are projected to account for half of all federal outlays by 2021.”
again, the problem is not the programs but the bloated and rising profit margins
of the insurance, hospital and drug industries, the abandonment of a single
payer health program by President Obama, and the failure of Congress to control
healthcare costs including legislation specifically prohibiting Medicare from
negotiating lower drug prices. As you point out, Senator, Defense
outlays have risen 74% and minimal research shows national defense expenditures
account for over 50% of federal outlays, yet Congress will not consider cuts to
the bloated Pentagon budget. The stupid, immoral, unnecessary and unending War
on Terror has already cost nearly $2 trillion, the Bush tax cuts at least that amount
but all we hear out of Washington is cut entitlements and discretionary
spending. This is wrong-headed, immoral and not the problem. End war and cut defense,
not social services. It’s not only the right thing to do, it’s the only moral
thing to do.
cc: Representative Pelosi
Senator Boxer
President Obama
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