Photo credit: Reuters

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Dear Mr. President,
I=m one of those Asanctimonious@ liberal critics you got mad at a few weeks ago and I still think the tax cut you signed this morning is immoral, irresponsible and a lousy deal for the American people. You were right when you first called it Aodious@ and the Republicans Ahostage takers@ (I=d call them Aeconomic terrorists@), but there you were this morning signing the bill with all those pens and politicians and there was McConell - Senator No! himself - the head hostage taker, and you=re smiling and shaking hands and everyone=s looking pleased as punch with themselves for Agetting the job done.@ Do you really believe that nonsense, that this is a good deal? Boy, I sure don=t. I see it as one more sign you were a wolf in sheep=s clothing, claiming to bring Hope when you just brought more of the same old thing. You carry on your predecessor=s policies, cave in to the Republicans, and get mad at the people who elected you to bring change and Hope? You cater to the rich and powerful and expect us not to be upset? You hold no one responsible for anything, not for wars, not for torture, not for fraud, not for greed and theft from the American people, and you don=t think we should be frustrated and angry? You bail out the banks, the fat cats of Wall Street, and big corporations with our tax dollars, do nothing to help the millions forced to work two and three jobs to put food on the table, or out of a job and out of Hope, or losing their homes because of fraud and abuse by the banks, the same guys you just bailed out, and you=re angry at us for being disillusioned and pissed off? You call us Asanctimonious@ if we don=t believe this tax package you just signed is good for the American people? Excuse me, Mr. President, this deal you cut with McConnell is a great deal for the rich and powerful. It gives millionaires more millions and the rest of us crumbs. But even more outrageous is that the poorest of the poor not only get no crumbs, but their taxes will actually increase! Merry Christmas indeed! That=s immoral, Mr. President, taking from the poor and giving to the rich. What=s your next Acompromise?@ Cutting Social Security and Medicare? More deregulation? More tax cuts for millionaires? I doubt it will be to stop the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Sorry, Mr. President, but there=s not much difference between Republicans and Democrats any more that I can see. You all belong to the same party of sellout and self-interest, the Republicrats.

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