Photo credit: Reuters

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dear Mr. President,
The Republicans are ecstatic, the Democrats furious over your latest sell-out. I read where you got really angry at your press conference over repeated questions about why you caved in to the Republicans. What astonished me was that you didn’t get pissed at the Republicans but at your own base for criticizing you! Maybe you believe this was a good deal, the best you could do, but us lonely liberals sure don’t. It’s a lousy deal for everyone except millionaires who get two more years of enormous tax cuts, millions, while the rest of us get one year of a few hundred bucks a month in lower taxes and the poor actually wind up paying more. That’s not fair, Mr. President. What happened to Audacity? What happened to Hope? Why don’t you get angry at Republicans? Why don’t you show a little backbone? You were a professor. Profess! People respect truth and truth-tellers a lot more than liars and con-men. Unfortunately, you still have two more years to give in to the Republican agenda and do further damage to the country. Boy, are you ever a disappointment.

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