Photo credit: Reuters

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dear Mr. President,
Does nothing ever change in Washington? I read with utter disbelief that the U.S. vetoed the UN resolution condemning Israel’s illegal settlement activity in the occupied territories and calling for an immediate halt. What absolute hypocrisy! What absolute bullshit! Excuse my language, Mr. President, but you really got my dander up on this one. How can you condone genocide, illegal confiscation of land and the brazen violation not only of international law, but basic human rights? By this veto you are a party to Israel’s evil genocide against the Palestinians. This is not only shameful but immoral, evil, and the most vile betrayal of justice I can imagine. At least today. The U.S. has condoned Israel’s suppression and brutality of the Palestinians for 60 years. It is an insidious evil, a slow but steady genocide that has gone on since Israel declared itself a free and independent state in 1948. When will it end? When will the U.S. begin to practice the standards it preaches? When will the U.S. recognize and call out violations of human rights whether by friend or foe? I listened to Ambassador Rice’s interview on this vote. Double-speak and hypocrisy! She sounded like a talking dog, repeating the party line over and over again in response to every question. The revolutions sweeping the Middle East have exposed the U.S. as a hypocrite and supporter of despots against democracy. We are not only irrelevant when it comes to democracy and human rights but we are an impediment, driven only by the failed policies of the past and the commercial interests of the Republicrat party. We support tyranny, suppression, genocide and dictatorships. How can you live with yourself? I hereby rescind the vote I cast for you on November 4, 2008. Shame on you. Shame on me. Shame on all of us.

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