Dear Mr. President,

Photo credit: Reuters
Monday, July 30, 2012
You Want My Vote?
Friday, July 27, 2012
Obama's Dumb War
Dear Mr. President,
I didn’t mention in Wednesday’s letter (because of that 2,500 character
limit on electronic messages to the White House), the $275 million fleet of 15 refurbished
Italian-built C-27A transports, grounded since last December because of a lack
of spare parts and adequate maintenance. Curious, I googled and found that these
planes, built in the 1970s and 80s and “not known for easy maintenance,” were refurbished
and upgraded at a facility near Naples, Italy by Alenia Aermacchi North
America, a unit of Italian defense conglomerate Finmeccanica SpA. Since Alenia
Aermacchi is based in Washington D.C., there
is the illusion of “American taxpayer dollars going to Americans.” Alenia did,
however, hire L-3 Holdings, an American contractor, to perform maintenance (a
separate $107 million contract). But L-3 apparently failed to perform (grounded
for “safety issues”) and a contract dispute followed. Then I checked out the
rest of the U.S.-funded Afghan Air Force: $648 million to buy and refurbish 31
Russian built Mi-17 transport helicopters; in 2009, $44 million for 4 more of
them; in 2010; a sole source $900 million contract for 21 more (this includes spare
parts and maintenance); and last week the Pentagon signed another sole-sourced $171.4
million contract with Russia for 10 more. Sole source contracts with Russia! I
didn’t find the cost of the 11 Russian built Mi-35 heavy attack helicopters or
the 12 light Cessna transports or the 6 Cessna trainers and 6 MD 530F training
helicopters built in Mesa, Arizona, but with the $300 million spent on Shindand
Air Base and the $355 million contract for the Brazilian Super Tucano fighters,
the total is already over $2.8 billion, almost three-fourths the entire GDP of
Afghanistan. And for what? For more death and destruction. No benefit to the
average Afghani, tremendous benefit to the Russian, Italian, Brazilian and American
merchants of death; the arms merchants, middle-men and contractors (DynCorp, I
noticed, is hiring Mi-17 Crew Chief Flight Instructors to train American and
Afghan crew members) who build and sell and maintain the killing machines, the tools
of war. War is good for business and, as Calvin Coolidge said, the business of
America is business. But $3 billion for an Air Force with almost no operable
airplanes? This is your war, Mr. President, and it is not a “smart” war. This
is just another dumb war in a long line of dumb wars. It is your responsibility,
your Albatross, your shameful legacy.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Business As Usual
Dear Mr. President,
I read today that a $300 million upgrade to Shindand Air Base in
Afghanistan is almost done. New 8,000 foot runway, new buildings, new hangars, new
sign: “Home of the Afghan Air Force,” everything but new airplanes for the newly
trained Afghan pilots. Held up by a law suit filed by Hawker Beechcraft (HBC) of
Wichita, Kansas and lobbying by the Kansas congressional delegation. Turns out
the $355 million contract for attack fighters went to a U.S. company, Sierra Nevada
Corporation, based in Sparks, Nevada, to supply 20 Super Tucano turbo-prop
fighters made by Embraer of Brazil. The Super Tucano is used by other militaries
while HBC’s bid was based on an untested version of the AT-6, a trainer used by
the Air Force and Navy. The HBC bid was rejected, they protested, the GAO threw
out their protest, and HBC filed suit. Under pressure, the Air Force voided
Sierra’s contract and started the bidding process over again. The planes will
not be delivered until 2016 or 2017, long after we’re gone and the Taliban is
back in power. The article also states that this is not the first time HBC and
their Republican allies have stopped delivery of the Super Tucano. In 2011,
Gen. McChrystal requested four of them to support Special Operations but
Brownback and Tiahrt lobbied to stop it because American tax dollars should go
to American workers. So much for supporting the troops. But what about the
Hawker part of Hawker Beechcraft? I remembered Hawker as British, so I googled and
found that Beech was bought by Raytheon in 1980 which also bought Hawker from
British Aerospace in 1993 and called them Raytheon Aircraft. In 2007, Raytheon sold
the business for $3.3 billion to a consortium—Onex Partners, a Canadian
investment firm, and GS Capital Partners, i.e., Goldman Sachs. It was one of
those highly leveraged buyout deals—the kind which made RomneyBain rich and a
lot of Americans poor—and the company, now Hawker Beechcraft, struggled under a
mountain of debt. This contract was a life-and-death situation and when they
lost it and lost it again, they filed for bankruptcy. The latest twist in this
sad tale? Two weeks ago, Superior Aviation of Beijing bought HBC. Meanwhile the
Afghans are still waiting for the Air part of their Air Force. Like I’ve said
before, the only winners in war are those who feed off it—the arms makers and dealers.
Business as usual. Thought you’d like to know this behind the scenes stuff, Mr.
President. Still doing my bit for democracy.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
True Heroes
Dear Mr. President,
Sometimes I feel like a lone voice crying in the wilderness. Or maybe
Cassandra that no one wants to hear. I write these letters, I send them both by
USPS (save the USPS!) and the White House web site to up the odds that somebody
might read one, but no response. I post them on my blog. Very few readers, no comments.
A month or so ago I got a hit from Malaysia. Cool! My first foreign country.
Maybe your half-sister? Or maybe the CIA? Then a few weeks ago I started
getting hits from other countries: Germany, Romania, Brazil, S. Korea… and last
week Russia. Russia! How’d they find me? The next day the Russians were back,
and the day after that and the day after that. Then came China. More foreigners
now read my letters online than Americans. At first I was pleased and curious. Who
are these people? Then I got a little anxious, even paranoid. Are they CIA?
KGB? NSA? Maybe the FBI is compiling a dossier on me. Maybe I’ll get a knock on
my door in the middle of the night. Maybe I’m moving up on the list of “nominees”
for your Kill List. Who knows what’s going on any more, what with all the
secrecy and attempts to silence dissent. After watching you for the past 3½ years,
watching you gut the Constitution, violate domestic and international law,
ignore every campaign pledge you made in 2008 and then learn you personally
approve every name put on your weekly Kill List, I‘m entitled to be paranoid. I
think you’re capable of almost any evil. So when the Russians started showing
up every day I wondered who they were, but as a friend points out, there’s a
lot of dissent in Russia right now, resistance against Putin’s rigged election,
against the repressive laws he’s putting in place, and maybe the people reading
my letters are dissidents wanting to know how Americans view their government,
maybe gaining encouragement in the knowledge that others are resisting repression
and injustice. I’ve embraced that view. I’d rather believe that’s the case than
that they’re secret agents gathering evidence against me. And I’m cheering them
on, drawing encouragement from them as well. Resistance to oppression and
injustice anywhere is resistance to oppression and injustice everywhere. Democracy
and freedom requires constant struggle and is easily lost. Unlike you, Mr.
President, I believe it takes more courage to put down arms and resist than to
take up arms and fight. I believe the true heroes are not the armed warriors
but those who peacefully resist injustice.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Going, Going, Gone Postal
Dear Mr. President,
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-dum
Dear Mr. President,
The latest Times/CBS poll shows you’re in trouble, in a dead heat with
Mitt. 58% said you haven’t delivered on your 2008 campaign pledge for change.
Well, duh! Any fool can see that. Mitt’s even tied with you on the question of
who would do a better job dealing with terrorism and national security. Maybe
they just don’t get the drone wars or the morality of Kill Lists and assassination
of Americans without a trial or commando raids into countries we’re not at war
with. Maybe they don’t understand the logic of shipping bales of Ben Franklins,
U.S. taxpayer dollars, to Afghanistan for Karzai and his cronies to rip off and
put in their bank accounts in Qatar where they’ll live in luxury after we pull
out and the Taliban takes over in 2014. Maybe people are pissed off that you
bailed out the Banksters of Wall Street and left everyone else to fend for
themselves. Or maybe they’re pissed off that you extended the massive Bush tax cuts
for the rich. Maybe they’re pissed off that the debate you and Mitt are having
is not about whether to give more tax breaks to the rich, just a matter of how
much: Mitt’s plan gives them about $70,000 per year while yours only gives them
$20,000 a year. Meanwhile, the city of Stockton, which filed for Chapter 9
bankruptcy this month, has the highest foreclosure rate in the country; they’ve
cut police by 20%, firefighters 30% and other city workers by 40% and there’s
no bailout for them. The police no longer respond to calls unless there’s blood
on the ground according to one resident. Homeless shelters are now at 160% of
capacity, domestic violence has soared—reported cases quintupled in the past 4
years—and the violence is getting worse. “People have lost their sense of hope and
stability and with that comes a lot of anger,” says Joelle Gomez, executive
director of the Women’s Shelter. Stockton is not an isolated case either; it’s
happening all over the country and you’re not doing a damned thing about it. As
one person in the Times/CBS poll said “Obama promised a lot of promises and he
failed at every one of them without exception.” See why I think you’re in
trouble? Your slick lies got you into office once but people are on to you now and
they’re pissed. They don’t like Mitt but you’ve you betrayed them badly so
they’ll try someone else even if they know he’s going to be a disaster too. But
there is an alternative to Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum and that alternative is
the Green Party. Jill
Stein for president!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Foreclosure After 50
Dear Mr. President,
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