Two articles in today’s paper have given me Hope.
A white bison was born last month in Connecticut. Connecticut, of all places! White
bison are rare, considered sacred by Native Americans, and portend an extremely
auspicious event. And the Green Party’s presidential candidate is Jill Stein, a
physician who got into politics years ago because she was frustrated with the
social and environmental roots of disease. As she says, “… politics is the
mother of all illnesses.” The Green Party’s platform is called The Green New
Deal that, unlike you, will deal with global warming, financial inequity, regulation
of Wall Street and a real solution to healthcare. The Green New Deal is aimed
at transitioning
the country to a green economy by
investing about the same amount you gave the Banksters of Wall Street to bail
them out. Only this time the money will be invested in America to create an
estimated 25 million new jobs, reduce our dependence on foreign (and domestic)
oil, and eliminate the need for future oil wars. The Green New Deal also
guarantees a halt to foreclosures and evictions, tuition-free public education through
college, Medicare for all, and an end to corporate domination of democracy. Pretty impressive. What we thought you were
going to do and didn’t. I know her chances are close to zero; your people and
Mitt’s people will make sure she doesn’t participate in the debates or get
followed by the major media, but I want you to know this is not a protest vote.
I’m not throwing my money or my vote away; I’m supporting and voting for
someone I believe will actually do what they say they’ll do. Unlike you. Oh, her
running mate, Cheri Honkalas, a one time homeless single mom, is a national
anti-poverty advocate who has worked for 30 years with the poor, those people
you and Mitt don’t see, don’t hear, and don’t care about. You may win again in
November, Mr. President, but you’re not getting my vote. I’m looking to the
Greens to deliver us from evil, from the nightmare of the past 11 years, from
the nightmare of war without end, from the nightmare of presidents who ignore
the law, the Constitution and human rights, who lie without hesitation and murder
without regret. Who knows, maybe that white bison is a portent of things to
come. Maybe in November the American people will be angry enough and disgusted
enough to give someone with a true sense of democracy and justice a chance to
right what is wrong and get us back on track. I sure Hope so.
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