Photo credit: Reuters

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Obama for America?

Dear Mr. President,
I received your letter yesterday. Heavy, expensive manila envelope with nothing but “Barack Obama” for a return address and a fancy red, white and blue stamp, not a regular stamp like us little people use, and no value on it, just “presorted standard” in gold letters. On the back a gold-colored sticker on the flap with “44” printed on it, like the old-timey official seal of kings and queens. I wondered what you’d say to any of my recent letters—I realize you don’t personally reply; one of your staff does that, cuts and pastes boilerplate paragraphs on a computer—but when I opened the envelope, there was a four page scare letter telling me how bad it would be if Mitt won in November and urging me to stick with you and send money to your Obama for America campaign. Yes, I realize Romney would be a disaster for America but you’ve been a disaster for America too—illegal wars, targeted assassinations and drone strikes, conversion of the CIA into a paramilitary force, secret military bases all over Africa, the Patriot Act extended and expanded, the NDAA that lets you incarcerate anyone anywhere without trial, legislation that outlaws protests and demonstrations at federal buildings, the NSA collecting all our emails and phone calls, legislation forcing the FAA to allow drones in U.S. airspace, the persecution of government whistleblowers, the Bush tax cuts extended and sweetened for the rich, the Wall Street Banksters bailed out and America left holding the bag… the list goes on and on. Far as I can tell there’s not much difference between a Democrat and a Republican nowadays. As I said in yesterday’s letter, I’m supporting Jill Stein and the Green Party this year. You fooled America once with your slick lies and sweet promises of Hope and transformation, but you turned out to be a Trojan horse for the 1% and business-as-usual with some frightening twists. You turned out to be a warmonger and a war criminal instead of a peacemaker, and you should be in jail, not the White House. You can send your pleas for money to some other fool; I want nothing to do with you. I want a president who knows right from wrong, justice from injustice, freedom from repression, and democracy from tyranny. That’s not you, Mr. President, you’ve got it all twisted and distorted. You’ve gutted the Constitution and ignored all law, you kill without qualms and terrorize without remorse. We thought you were our savior but you turned out to be just another False Prophet.

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