Photo credit: Reuters

Monday, November 5, 2012

One More Day Till Kill List Tuesday

Dear Mr. President,
I’m not wishing you or Mitt good luck tomorrow. No “May the best man win” either since neither of you is the best man; Jill Stein is the “best man” and I’m hoping for a miracle at the polls and a Green Party President. It’s not that you haven’t been effective. You’ve been one of the most effective presidents in history. The problem is you’ve been effective in discarding civil rights in America. With one stroke of your presidential pen a few minutes before midnight on December 31, 2011, you discarded habeas corpus and legal recourse and without those two critical items there is no democracy. That 2012 NDAA gave you the power to detain indefinitely or even assassinate anyone anywhere without a trial or any kind of oversight. Anyone you declare a terrorist threat to the U.S. of A. is a goner. And you’ve been very effective at turning America into a giant security state where Big Brother—those 17-plus “security agencies” —are collecting and monitoring everything on everybody—emails, phone calls, every click on the internet—no oversight, no warrants. When Bush tried that, there was a huge outcry and it was modified, but I guess Democrats think it’s OK if a Democrat does it. You also forced the FAA to open the skies of America to drones. Already they’re in some areas of the country, surveilling. Some places in Texas are now considering arming their drones with rubber bullets and tear gas—crowd suppression weapons for when the protests come. Can Hellfire missiles be far behind? You’ve also been effective at institutionalizing your Kill Lists and Targeted Assassination program so there will be continuity and continuation of war far into the future. You smile and assure us that this is all in our best interests and that you’d never abuse any of these powers, but what about 5 or 10 or 20 years from now? Murtaza Hussain sums it up succinctly: “in 4 years, [Obama] removed the legal structures which exist to prevent the empowerment of a potentially wanton and increasingly tyrannical government in the future.” In many ways you’ve failed miserably. You declare war on the future by doing nothing to stop global warming. You defended the 1% by extending and increasing the Bush tax cuts, bailing out the Banksters and letting the Wall Street criminals off the hook, not to mention the war criminals of the Bush administration. So I’m hoping you’re not re-elected, Mr. President, because in both ways, effective or a failure, you’ve been a disaster for America.

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