Photo credit: Reuters

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Voting on Kill List Tuesday

Dear Mr. President,
Political campaigns, like politicians, are all flummery and illusion, but today the flummery and illusion meets grim reality. Today is voting day and also Kill List Tuesday, the day America chooses from its list of nominees, the person they want to be president for the next 4 years and you choose from your list of nominees the persons you want assassinated. We choose a president based on what he promises to do, his vision for the future. You choose people to be assassinated based on some criteria we are not allowed to know. It is a perfect metaphor for the state of America today. We know most campaign promises are empty rhetoric, that politicians say whatever it takes to get elected, but in general, we trust that whoever makes those promises, has, at core, a belief and faith in them. Politicians almost always disappoint, many times mislead, and occasionally inspire. In 2008 you were the voice we hungered for, promising change from the 8-year nightmare of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their neocon administration. You promised to change a lot of things: bring us back to the rule of law and transparency in government, close Guantanamo, end the wars based on lies and deceit, regulate Wall Street, roll back the Bush tax cuts for millionaires, restore the middle class, address global warming and much more. Over the past 4 years however, you have done more harm than Bush. You have discarded the legal structure of our democracy by doing away with habeas corpus and legal recourse, continued unjustified, lawless and immoral wars of aggression, expanded warrantless surveillance of everyone everywhere, institutionalized a state of permanent war with your Kill Lists and Targeted Assassinations—war crimes and crimes against humanity—and militarized the soul of America, something Dwight Eisenhower warned against a half century ago, a death knell for democracy. You have done nothing to restore justice and equality in America and what is clear now, is that the 2-party system in America exists only to protect the 1% and the only way that will ever change is to stop voting for either of you. Only through a strong 3rd party, a true voice of dissent, is there any hope for change. Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Voting for you for another 4 years and expecting different results is not only insane but immoral. So I’m not throwing my vote away, I’m voting for Jill Stein and the Green Party.

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