Photo credit: Reuters

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Friday, December 3, 2010

Dear Mr. President,
“Hope.” Remember that? Your (false) campaign promise? You gave us Hope but then bailed out the banks, Wall Street and the fat cats and let the rest of us twist in the wind. You announced a freeze on federal salaries and are willing to extend tax cuts for millionaires. No difference that I can see between you and your predecessor, Mr. President. Trillions in loans to other countries, to large corporations, to the Haves, cynical promises for the rest of us. Guantanamo, still open for business. Iraq and Afghanistan are still killing fields, we are still destroying the Hope and lives of innocents, still supporting corrupt regimes, all in the name of the “war on terrorism.” A false war like your false Hope. Not much different than your predecessor there either, Mr. President. Justice is still trampled, no one accountable for war crimes, for torture, for blatant violation of human rights and international law. At home our infrastructure crumbles while we spend billions each month in illegal unjustified wars. You were a false Hope, Mr. President, puzzling, frustrating; capable of so much, delivering so little. Alice Walker, in an open letter on your election, Hoped you wouldn’t become scissor-mouthed, but you have. I see no joy or Hope in your face. Only that scissor-mouth. I am sad and sorry for you and for our country. For all of us.

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