Photo credit: Reuters

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dear Mr. President,
I am distressed you unleashed your attack dogs on WikiLeaks in retaliation for revealing the lies, hypocrisy and cynicism of what passes these days for statecraft and diplomacy. I mean, I expected this kind of behavior from your predecessor but you were bringing us Hope, remember? ushering in a new era of openness, honesty and justice. In my mind Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks staff and volunteers, and especially Pfc. Bradley Manning, are latter-day patriots and heroes, the true defenders of freedom and democracy. They should be honored for their courage and service, given medals not persecuted and hounded into silence. Hope is what got you elected Mr. President, but it turns out that was just another false campaign promise; there’s not much difference between you and your predecessor - protecting war criminals, the rich and powerful, continuing unjust unwinnable wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, propping up corrupt governments, paying lip service to democracy and freedom while gutting both. Unfortunately, there’s no more Hope in this administration than there was in the last one. How’s the mantle of Fascism feeling these days? Comfortable with it yet?

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