Photo credit: Reuters

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Monday, December 27, 2010

Dear Mr. President,
It appears that either 1) my letters are not reaching you or 2) you don=t agree with me and decided to ignore me and just go on with business as usual. I read this morning that now Apple has cut off their app to WikiLeaks. So Apple=s added to the list of - at least - Mastercard, Visa, Paypal, Amazon, Bank of America, and the governments of Sweden, Britain and Switzerland that you=ve pressured to deny WikiLeaks service in an attempt to muzzle them and shut them down. Shame on you, Mr. President! I expected that kind of thing from the Bushies, but you were supposed to be the agent of Change, of Hope, you were going to adhere to the law and the Constitution and restore freedom and faith in democracy. Maybe you believe you have but it doesn=t look like it to me. I just see more of the same old muzzling of dissent, unwillingness to give up power and authority, and looting of the treasury by the rich. And when the government=s and the military=s dirty little secrets and back-room deals get exposed, well, whooboy! do the politicians and the generals ever get their knickers knotted over that. That=s when the full force and power of the fascist state gets brought to bear. Now I=m not saying you personally are responsible for everything that=s going on in your administration, but you are in charge of the whole works back there in D.C.-land so you do have the ultimate say-so. You might want to look into all this, Mr. President. Of course, it could be that you=ve seen some of my previous letters about the unjust vendetta against WikiLeaks, Julian Assange and Pfc. Bradley Manning, and just chose to ignore me. You certainly have that right, you are the president, after all, the commander-in-chief, the big cheese. But still, it would be nice to hear from you now and then. Just so you know, I haven=t received a single reply or even an acknowledgment to any of my letters or emails so far, so I suspect you haven=t seen a single one. And what with all the U.S. Postal Service mail and emails you get every day, coming across one of mine would be like finding a needle in a haystack. I=ll keep trying though, Mr. President. For my sake, for your sake, for democracy=s sake.
Till tomorrow,

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