Photo credit: Reuters

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dear Mr. President,
I see in the news today there are more than two hundred mirror sites up and running with all those WikiLeaks cables that reveal the duplicity, hypocrisy and pettiness of governments. While it may distress you and your administration hacks, it cheers me. Democracy in action! What distresses me however, is all those people who can’t find work, who can’t support their families, who can’t pay the bills or the mortgage. Nearly ten percent of the workforce. And that doesn’t count all those thousands and tens of thousands who’ve fallen off the rolls because their expiration date has expired or they’ve simply given up. But in the same newspaper (The New York Times in case you’re interested) another article about how the people at Goldman Sachs and other big banks have the dilemma of whether to give themselves their multi-million dollar bonuses early, before the end of the year, before the Bush tax cuts expire, or wait till next year when the tax cuts might expire under their own misbegotten legislation and they’ll have to pay another forty or fifty thousand in taxes. That really ticks me off, Mr. President, the fat cats that you and your boys bailed out with our tax dollars are now worried about paying taxes on their million dollar bonuses. Meanwhile the long term unemployed are in serious trouble since the Democrats don’t have the guts or the backbone to stand up to the Republican No! Party and find a way to extend unemployment benefits unless the millionaire tax cuts are extended. No! To a few hundred bucks a week for the working man and woman, Yes! To more millions for the rich. Now that, in my book, is the real outrage. Wishing You and Yours a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!

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